ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 18 | Vocation | Elder Druid
| Achievement Points | 690 | World | Gladera | Residence | Roshamuul | Married to | Fischy | Guild Membership | Colossal of the Bald Dwarfs | Last login | Aug 12 2020, 03:24:16 CEST | Comment | | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 23 years, 7 months | House | Darashia 8, Flat 02 (Darashia) | | Darashia 8, Flat 04 (Darashia) | | Darashia 8, Flat 05 (Darashia) | Loyalty Title | Sage of Tibia |
General Stats |  | 2800 |  | 15730 | Speed: | 1280 | Cap: | 5700 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Gladera)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
5 |
Magic Level |
126 |
Gladera |
16 |
Loyalty |
5430 |
Gladera |
125 |
Achievement Points |
688 |
Gladera |
07:05 Killed by Kraknaknork's demon.
As if life isn't hard already
Add it to the list of things to forget
With one chance to define ourselves
We're gonna keep on living
Keep on living